Frequently Asked Questions:
What is this project?
Garfield-Harrison is a large-scale master-planned Stormwater project. The basin’s Stormwater Master Plan update was approved by City Council in 2008. In addition to addressing numerous drainage problems in this older part of the community, a partnership with other departments will address waterline, sanitary sewer, street resurfacing, and various concrete repairs. The partnership approach saves the City money and reduces overall construction impacts to the citizens.
What are the major components of this project?
- This four-year project is
designed to implement numerous improvements to infrastructure in the area, including:
Implementation of the City of Loveland Master Drainage Plan improvements in accordance with our Greeley and Loveland Irrigation Company August 3, 1982 Agreement. The agreement requires the City of Loveland to disconnect stormwater flows entering their ditches and re-direct the water to the Big Thompson River. The existing connection to their ditch at Garfield Avenue will be disconnected with Phase 1 of this project. - Replacing and upgrading existing stormwater infrastructure to address existing
drainage issues and meet current stormwater standards. - Installing 18- to 60-inch diameter storm sewer pipes.
- Replacing existing waterlines and valves to address aging infrastructure.
- Replacing pavement including asphalt patching, milling, overlays, or full street
reconstruction where project components are installed. - Rehabilitating and replacing concrete as well as add necessary ADA
improvements. - Disconnecting stormwater from the Little Barnes Ditch during Phase 4.
- Providing stormwater quality treatment measures within the stormwater system.
Who is managing this Project?
Eric Lessard and Kevin Gingery with City of Loveland Public Work Stormwater Division are managing this project. Tanner Randall and Carlos Medina with the Water and Power, Water Utilities Division are also helping manage their components of the project.
What are the benefits of this project?
Many new inlets and storm sewer pipes will improve drainage throughout the neighborhood. Existing drainage problems and complaint areas will be addressed. The project also has a number of water quality
improvements to help clean stormwater before being released to the Big Thompson River. When Phase 4 is completed (anticipated in 2025), public stormwater will be disconnected from entering the Little Barnes Ditch. The partnership with the Water Utilities and Transportation Engineering Divisions will provide benefits with regard to better functioning waterlines with fewer leaks, replacement of substandard curb and gutter and handicap access ramps, ADA improvements, lowering overly high street crowns, and re-surfacing of impacted streets.
How much will this project cost and how long will it take?
Construction is planned for the next 4 years with an estimated total cost of approximately $18 million.
This amount also includes Water Utilities and Transportation Engineering components
of the project.
How much will this year’s phase of the project cost?
Phase 1 of the Garfield-Harrison Project will cost $6.8 million and be completed in 2022.
What streets will be impacted during this first phase of the project?
The streets impacted will primarily be 1st Street between the Big Thompson River bridge and
Garfield Avenue. Harrison Avenue will have improvements from 1st Street to 4th Street
next to Bill Reed Middle School. In addition, work will be completed at the south ends of
Franklin and Garfield Avenues. Finally, new storm sewer will be installed in 2nd Street
east of Garfield Avenue. Please see the attached phasing plan.
When will the project begin?
The City of Loveland will begin Phase 1 of the Garfield-Harrison Storm Drainage Improvements Project the week of Jan. 17, 2022. Phase 2 will begin in 2023.
When will 1st Street be closed?
1st Street will be closed to thru traffic starting January 24 and remain closed until late summer or early fall depending on construction progress and weather. Regular construction schedule updates will be posted.
How will the closure work?
Thru traffic will be detoured to Eisenhower Boulevard and 14th Street SW (Hwy. 402) with a “hard” closure of 1st Street done in two segments as construction progresses east. The western segment will be barricaded closed at the Big Thompson River bridge just east of Centennial Park and at the 1st Street and Harrison Avenue intersection. Once construction comes close to reaching Harrison, the eastern
segment will be closed from Harrison to Garfield Avenue. The actual construction zone
will be approximately 2 blocks long and will begin at the river then proceed east. Local traffic (access to homes in the neighborhood) will be able to use 1st Street outside of this 2-block zone. Properties within the immediate construction zone will usually be able to access their driveways by the end of each working day. Close coordination will be provided for the affected residents whenever construction will directly impact them. Safety will be a key aspect since all of the 1st Street pavement will be removed in the construction zone.
What are the major 2022 schedule milestones for this project?
- January 17 – Start of construction
- January 24 – 1st Street closure
- May – 1st Street work reaches Harrison; Harrison to Garfield Avenue closure
begins - June-July – Work in 2nd Street east of Garfield Avenue to the railroad tracks
- July – Harrison work begins from 1st to 4th Streets
- August – 1st Street re-opens to thru traffic
- September – Harrison completed
- December 31 – Phase 1 contract complete
Where is the construction staging area?
The contractor is establishing a construction staging area and office trailer on City property north of W. 8th Street off of 3 Colorado Avenue and south of Birkley Court. The staging area will be fenced and will
contain various construction materials and equipment used on the project.
What types of public outreach efforts have been made?
Public outreach started with a newsletter mailing in early 2021. Additional mailings were sent out to inform the public of an open house in October of 2021. A dedicated web page within the City’s website has been established with comprehensive information for the project. Additional press releases and other forms of social media contact have also been completed. Traffic message boards on 1st Street have already been up for a couple of weeks. Finally, residents directly impacted by the project are contacted in person and/or left door hangers. All types of communication are ongoing and will continue through the
end of the project. The contractor also has a Public Information Officer assigned as the primary point of contact for the public.
How do I get more information and updates?
The project’s web page may be found at The project’s dedicated information phone number is (970) 716-5155. The project’s information email address is You may subscribe to direct emailed project updates on the project web page. The public will be directed to these information sources. You may also contact the project managers, Eric Lessard and Kevin Gingery, or Chris Carlson, the Stormwater Division Manager, with any questions or concerns.
Who is the contractor for this project?
Connell Resources is the general contractor for the project. The project also has a dedicated Public Information Officer to interact and inform the public during construction. Connell is an outstanding local construction company that has performed very well on previous projects for the City of Loveland.
How was Connell Resources selected for the project?
Connell was selected through a Construction Manager at Risk selection process. This type of contracting
partnership allows the contractor to provide valuable input from the beginning of the project’s design. Contractors submitted proposals and were evaluated by a multidepartmental team based on their qualifications and including cost factors. By utilizing this type of contracting process, the City receives a high-quality product at a competitive price. The contract amount is a negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) subject to a third party outside review. This price is a commitment from the contractor to
complete the scope of work within the contracted amount. Open book accounting is done for full financial transparency.
Have any other projects been completed with this contracting system for the
City of Loveland?
Yes, the recently completed South Loveland Outfall project was completed successfully with Connell Resources. This similar multi-year interdepartmental project provided excellent benefits to the residents of the Sherri-Mar subdivision. New storm sewer, water line, sanitary sewer, concrete and street repairs
were completed on time and within budget.
Click Here to View the Garfield Harrison Project Presentation