Good Afternoon Loveland Business Community,
We love delivering good news, especially when it comes on a Friday!
The good news begins for our golfers as the City of Loveland Golf courses are scheduled to reopen Monday, April 27 . Visit to view regulations in place at the three Loveland golf courses. Get some business deals done on Loveland’s 3 beautiful golf courses, 6 feet apart!
As the initial Stay-at-Home order transitions into Safer-at-Home we begin to take baby steps towards what we once knew. Larimer County Safer-at-home business guidance includes specific requirements for retail, personal services , elective medical and dental services as well as other non-essential businesses.
Gyms, bars, and spas as well as K-12 and higher education schools will remain closed. Estes Park area short term rentals may re-open as soon as 4/27 .
Two new relief and recovery funds have been announced! The Larimer County Small Business Recovery Loan Fund and Loveland Downtown District Commercial Rent Assistance Program were announced yesterday and are expected to be finalized next week. A summary of the fund details are listed below.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgivable loans and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) have reopened for funding with the new $484 Billion stimulus package signed into law today. More on this outlined below.
Lastly, we are excited to be able to provide a new online tool to help businesses self-identify themselves as open and to what capacity. The ZoomBusiness tool is an interactive map that will soon be open to the public to get the word out that Loveland business are beginning to open their doors for limited operations. There is more information at the bottom of this email to add your business to this map.